Central Penn League
- This league has 7 Lancaster County Clubs competing against each other
every Monday evening starting at 6:00pm. Time permitting teams will play 1
home match and 1 away match.
There will be 5 courts with combined team ratings of 9.0, 8.5, 8.0, 7.5 and 7.0
This is a fun competitive league with no sign-up, no cost or no weekly commitment.
Wendnesday morning league
- Matches for this league start mid May and continue into the fall. Matches are usually played at 9:00am, 10:30am and 12 noon depending on the number of players. You'll be scheduled to play with and against a lot of other players according to club ratings. If you can't commit to this weekly please signup as a sub.
Thursday evening league
- Matches for this league start mid May and continue into the fall. Matches are usually played at 6:15
pm. You'll be scheduled to play with and against a lot of other players according to club ratings.
If you can't commit to this weekly please signup as a sub.
Club Tennis Tournaments
(be at courts by 9:00am Saturday of event)
- Open to ALL members
Men's Doubles
- Highest club rated players
pick a partner from lower club rated players. ie: Upper half of
players 9.3, 9.1, 8.9, 8.8 - lower half 8.7, 8.5, 8.5, 8.4 - 8.8 would get
first pick of lower half, 8.9 picks next, etc, ect.
Mixed Doubles
- Pick your own partner. Members only.
Women's Doubles
- All names are put in a hat and
partners are picked from that.
Misc. Tournaments
Golf Tournament
- This is a 1 day club event with limited spots. Callaway scoring is used.
Pickle Ball Tournament (on hold) - New in 2019, This is a 1 day club event with limited spots.
Poker Tournment
- Another 1 day event held at a members home. Cost to enter (or lose) is only $20